可持續發展報告電子資源庫 Sustainability Report Electronic Resource Library


In light of the increasing focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR) participation of the business sector and an increasing number of Sustainability Reports have been published by corporations in recent years, an Electronic Resource Library containing copies of Sustainability Report of the Caring Companies has been set up by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) since Oct 2012. The Sustainability Report Electronic Resource Library (The Library) aims at promoting CSR communication by providing easy reference for interested parties and stakeholders in the community to understand more about how companies have been contributing to CSR.



What is Sustainability Report?

According to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), a sustainability report is an organisational report that gives information about economic, environmental, social and governance performance. The sustainability report enables companies or organisations to report sustainability information in a way that is similar to financial reporting. Systematic sustainability reporting gives comparable data, with agreed disclosures and metrics.



What types of reports are accepted for deposit in the Library?

Both Stand-alone Sustainability Reports and Integrated* Reports are accepted for deposit in the Library. Reports should feature disclosures around multiple CSR issues, including human resources, procurement, consumer, environmental, community involvement, and governance and related areas. Report on single issue will not be included. The reports can also be integrated, covering both sustainability and financial disclosures.

* An Integrated Report which combines sustainability and financial information into one report (e.g. Annual Report). The aim is to provide a single report informing stakeholders not only the financial performance but also the CSR work and its impacts to the organisations and the society.



* 如報告包括可持續發展資訊及財務資訊均可稱為綜合報告(例︰年報),其目的旨在以綜合報告的形式提供有關財務績效以及企業社會責任的措施及表現,以及為公司及社會所帶來的影響。

How to join?

If your organisation has published a Stand-alone Sustainability Report or an Integrated Report and would like it to be included in the Library, please click here to download the reply slip, complete and return to us. A notification email will be issued after your report is successfully deposited in the Library.



Important notes

Users should exercise their own judgment in reading the reports and should refer to the represented company for any questions arise.




The sustainability report posted by the represented company is for reference only. HKCSS assumes no warranty whatsoever, expressed or implied as to the accuracy and reliability of the content of sustainability reports deposited. HKCSS accepts no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage arising from any use of the information published on this website.

