The Caring Company Scheme 2024/25 - Latest Application Arrangements
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2025/26 Caring Company Scheme Stakeholder Engagement Activities – “Thematic Orientation: Partnering for Growth” (previou

Past Activities

Luncheon for Patron's Club Members - “The Value of GRI Reporting for Hong Kong Businesses and their Stakeholders”

A luncheon for Caring Company Patron’s Club members has held on 19 September 2011. Over 20 representatives from the corporate members of the Patron's Club and the NGO representatives from The Caring Company Scheme Steering Committee joined the luncheon. Mr Ernst Ligteringen, Chief Executive of Global Reporting Initiative has been invited as a guest speaker for this luncheon.

Mr Bernard Chan, Chairperson of The Caring Company Scheme Steering Committee appreciated the support from Patron’s Club members to the Caring Company Scheme and discussed and exchanged ideas with speaker and participants on The Value of GRI Reporting for Hong Kong Businesses and their Stakeholders.

Since its launch in 2005, the Caring Company Patron’s Club has been gathering business leaders who share the same vision of fostering corporate social responsibility. The patron companies are championing the enhancement of CSR awareness in Hong Kong through the Caring Company platform by contributing their resources and expertise to the community. Similar event with dialogue sessions will be held periodically among business leaders and other stakeholders who care about CSR development in the local community.

A group photo with all participants and the speaker.
A group photo with all participants and the speaker.
Mr Ernst Ligteringen, Chief Executive of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) shared his view on “The Value of GRI Reporting for Hong Kong Businesses and their Stakeholders”.
Mr Ernst Ligteringen, Chief Executive of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) shared his view on “The Value of GRI Reporting for Hong Kong Businesses and their Stakeholders”.