Limited | - Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
| 2016-2024 |  |
DK Media Group Limited | - HKCT Institute of Higher Education
| 2017-2024 |  |
DKSH Hong Kong Limited | - Christian Family Service Centre
- Feeding Hong Kong Limited
| 2013-2024 |  |
DNT FPV Technology Company Limited | - The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
| 2018-2024 |  |
Dolphin BB Education Limited | - Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Social Service, The
| 2023-2024 |  |
Dong Rong Electronics Company Limited | - Sheng Kung Hui St Christopher's Home Limited
| 2013-2024 |  |
DoRich Andragogy Limited | | 2023-2024 |  |
Dorsett Hospitality International Limited | - Hong Kong Girl Guides Association
| 2011-2024 |  |
Dorsett Kwun Tong, Hong Kong | - Young Men's Christian Association of Hong Kong
- St James' Settlement
| 2013-2024 |  |
Dorsett Mongkok, Hong Kong | | 2013-2024 |  |
Dorsett Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong | - Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department
| 2016-2024 |  |
Dorsett Wanchai, Hong Kong | | 2011-2024 |  |
DORSEY & WHITNEY | - The French Chamber Foundation Limit
- Peace and Development Foundati
| 2015-2024 |  |
DOS Dental Limited | - Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service
| 2019-2024 |  |
Doterra Hong Kong Limited | - Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power
| 2023-2024 |  |
Dotod Limited | - Junior Chamber International Apex (Hong Kong) Limited
| 2022-2024 |  |
Double O | - The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
| 2016-2024 |  |
Douglas Business School | - Hong Kong Animal Welfare Centre Limited
| 2014-2024 |  |
DP99 Concept | - Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service
| 2016-2024 |  |
Dr I-Kids Education Centre | - Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Social Service, The
| 2009-2024 |  |
Dr I-Kids Online | - Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Social Service, The
| 2020-2024 |  |
Dr PAIN (Central) Limited | | 2023-2024 |  |
Dr. Affandy Hariman | - The Hong Kong Society for the Blind
| 2021-2024 |  |
Dr. Kong Footcare Limited | | 2005-2024 |  |
Dr. Lam Suk Yee Louisa | - Senior Citizen Home Safety Association
| 2007-2024 |  |
Dr. Signature International Group Limited | - Hong Kong Elderly Emergency Services Fund Limited
| 2022-2024 |  |
Dr. Wash Dish Cleaning & Sanitizing Solutions Limited | - Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service
| 2016-2024 |  |
Draco Human Resources Management Limited | - Society of Rehabilitation And Crime Prevention, Hong Kong, The
| 2017-2024 |  |
Dragages Hong Kong Limited | - Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited
| 2012-2024 |  |
Dragon Mind Development Limited | - Christian Family Service Centre
| 2016-2024 |  |
Dragon Mind Management Limited | - Christian Family Service Centre
| 2020-2024 |  |
Dragon Textile (HK) Company Limited | - Society of Rehabilitation And Crime Prevention, Hong Kong, The
| 2021-2024 |  |
DRAGON WEALTH ENTERPRISES LIMITED | - Christian Family Service Centre
| 2023-2024 |  |
Dream Impact HK Limited | - Hong Kong Playground Association
| 2018-2024 |  |
Dream Team F&B Concepts | - Mental Health Association of Hong Kong, The
| 2022-2024 |  |
DSG Energy Limited | - The Hong Kong Society for the Blind
- House Of Joy & Mercy Company Limited
| 2018-2024 |  |
Dunwell Enviro-Tech (Holdings) Limited | | 2022-2024 |  |
Dusservice Hong Kong Limited | - Christian Family Service Centre
| 2018-2024 |  |
Dynamic Duo Co. Limited | - Make-A-Wish Foundation of Hong Kong Limited
| 2020-2024 |  |
Dynamic Power (Hong Kong) Limited | - The Boys' Brigade, Hong Kong
| 2011-2024 |  |
Dynamics Architect Limited | - Professional & Social Services Association Limited
| 2021-2024 |  |
Dynasty Financial Group Limited | - Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited
| 2011-2024 |  |
DynaSys Solutions Limited | - Green Living Education Foundation Limited
| 2019-2024 |  |
E & I Beauty | | 2023-2024 |  |
E I L Company Limited | - Urban Peacemaker Evangelistic Fellowship Limited, The
| 2015-2024 |  |
e Lighting Group Limited | - Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
| 2014-2024 |  |
E TAG LIMITED | - The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
| 2013-2024 |  |
E&E Vision Enhancement Centre | - Youth for Christ (HK) Limited
| 2008-2024 |  |
e-banner Limited | - Society for Community Organization
| 2015-2024 |  |
E-Go Mobility Limited | - Pneumoconiosis Mutual Aid Association
| 2020-2024 |  |
E-Link Design & Communications Limited | - HKCT Institute of Higher Education
| 2013-2024 |  |
E-Smart Learning Centre Limited | - Post Crisis Counseling Network Limited
| 2014-2024 |  |
E. Lite Property Management Limited | - Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
| 2019-2024 |  |
E.C. Fix Technology Limited | - HKCT Institute of Higher Education
| 2009-2024 |  |
E.P.S.A. Corporation Ltd | - Hong Kong Association for Cleft Lip and Palate
| 2007-2024 |  |
Eagle Asset Management (CP) Limited | | 2011-2024 |  |
Eagle Property Management (CP) Ltd. | | 2008-2024 |  |
Ear, Nose & Throat Centre of Hong Kong Limited | | 2010-2024 |  |
Early Light Industrial Company Limited | - HKCT Institute of Higher Education
| 2020-2024 |  |
Earnward Warehouse LTD | - HKCT Institute of Higher Education
| 2010-2024 |  |
Eastop Computer Consultants Limited | - The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
| 2022-2024 |  |
Easy Living Consultant Limited | - Christian Family Service Centre
| 2016-2024 |  |
Easy Mobile Logistics Hong Kong Limited | - Bo Charity Foundation Limited
| 2023-2024 |  |
Easy Pack and Logistics Limited | - Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
| 2020-2024 |  |
Eaton HK | - Bo Charity Foundation Limited
- Child Development Initiative Alliance Co Limited
| 2005-2024 |  |
EC Group Online Limited | | 2018-2024 |  |
Ec InfoTech Limited | - Haven of Hope Christian Service
| 2023-2024 |  |
EC Pharmacy Company Limited | | 2020-2024 |  |
Eccevino (HK) Limited | - Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, Lutheran Church - Hong Kong Synod
| 2010-2024 |  |
Echouse Technology Company Limited | - Hong Kong Children and Youth Services
| 2020-2024 |  |
Eclectic System Limited | | 2021-2024 |  |
Eco Ring Hong Kong Limited | | 2023-2024 |  |
Eco-Education and Resources Centre Limited | Projecterrae Limited | 2016-2024 |  |
Eco-Green Group Limited | | 2020-2024 |  |
Eco-Greenergy | | 2021-2024 |  |
Ecolab Limited | - Ronald McDonald House Charities Hong Kong Limited
| 2013-2024 |  |
EcoSage Limited | - The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
| 2007-2024 |  |
Edge Media Limited | - Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Social Service, The
| 2013-2024 |  |
EDICO Financial Press Services Limited | | 2011-2024 |  |
Educational Publishing House, Limited | - Christian Family Service Centre
- Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong
| 2012-2024 |  |
EduSmart Company Limited | - Christian Family Service Centre
- Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong
| 2015-2024 |  |
Edvance Technology (Hong Kong) Limited | - World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong
| 2016-2024 |  |
Edwin Eddie Tommy Advertising Limited | - HKCT Institute of Higher Education
| 2009-2024 |  |
Efatar Environmental Protection Equipment Limited | - Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association
| 2019-2024 |  |
EFT Payments (Asia) Limited | | 2019-2024 |  |
EFT Solutions Limited | | 2019-2024 |  |
Eggshell Group Limited | | 2023-2024 |  |
Ego Finance Limited | - International Boundless Dreams Come True Foundation Limited
- Agency for Volunteer Service
| 2010-2024 |  |
Eidealink Limited | - The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
| 2006-2024 |  |
EK Immigration Consulting Limited | - The Community Chest of Hong Kong
| 2011-2024 |  |
Electronic Theatre Controls Asia Limited | - New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association
| 2014-2024 |  |
Electronics 2000 Plus Company Limited | - Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, Lutheran Church - Hong Kong Synod
| 2017-2024 |  |
Elegance Jewellery International Limited | - Evangelical Free Church of China - Evangel Children's Home
| 2017-2024 |  |
Eli Lilly Asia, Inc | - St James' Settlement
- The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
- Cancer Patient Alliance
| 2006-2024 |  |
Elite Partners CPA Limited | - Sheng Kung Hui St Christopher's Home Limited
| 2012-2024 |  |
Elite Pro-Management Limited | - Society of Rehabilitation And Crime Prevention, Hong Kong, The
| 2016-2024 |  |
Elite Star Property Agency Co. | - Hong Kong Children and Youth Services
| 2009-2024 |  |
Embercare Medical Group Limited | - Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department
| 2020-2024 |  |
Emco Novus International Limited | | 2017-2024 |  |
EMEI CAPITAL LIMITED | - Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong
| 2023-2024 |  |