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News of 2019/20 Caring Company Nomination Early-bird

Date of issue: 2019-09-25

Thank you for the support from nominees and nominators in caring company scheme 2019/20. We are now processing the nomination forms received on or before 20 September (Early-bird deadline for HKCSS Agency Members), including the hard-copy forms, online submissions and the nomination processing fee, targeting finsihed on or before the end of October. Nominees and nominators are welcome to login to our online system for checking the nomination record and information. For the reciept of processing fee, we will issue and send to the payer by mail in late October. 

Nomination deadline for nominees and nominators: on or before 3 January 2020 (Friday), submitting the nomination by hard copy (Please click here to download) or online system.

If there are any enquiries, please feel free to contact us by phone: 2864 2966 or email: