HSBC collaborated with the Home Affairs Department, the Social Welfare Department and HKCSS in the HSBC Community Partnership Programme to fund district-based initiatives. The Programme aims to develop the talents and capabilities of members of the community, build collaborative partnerships and foster a more inclusive society.
Website of HSBC Community Partnership Programme

Collaborated with HSBC, Microsoft Hong Kong Ltd and the Hong Kong Economic Times in the launch of WiseGiving, facilitating direct communication between donors and charities.

Collaborated between the Hongkong Bank Foundation, the Social Welfare Department Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) on the HKCSS-HSBC Social Enterprise Business Centre in 2008, the first business centre in Hong Kong to bring together the resources of the Government, NGOs and the private sector. Operated by HKCSS, the Centre offers a diverse range of services, including consultancy services, training programmes, marketing platforms and a Social Angel Programme, to recruit business volunteers for social enterprise work. In addition, the Centre will also assist investors to find appropriate investment opportunities in social enterprise projects.

Collaborated with HSBC to promote corporate social responsibility through organising CSR Hong Kong Conference 2007 cum Luncheon. Ms Teresa Au, Head of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Asia Pacific Region of HSBC was one of the speakers to share her wisdom of actualizing CSR.

Collaborated with HSBC on its Living Business Award to promote Corporate Social Responsibility among SMEs. The winner of SME Community Participation Award will also receive the Living Business Sapphire Award from HSBC.

The theme of CSR Hong Kong Conference 2009 was “Making Hong Kong a Setting Local CSR Agenda for the Next Year”. Ms Teresa Au, Head of Corporate Sustainability Asia Pacific Region of HSBC, was invited as one of the speakers to share experience of enhancing Employee Wellness from HSBC.